
Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with questions and opinions at

Or call any of our nine clinic locations and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Morris - 815-942-4875

Streator - 815-672-2842

Ottawa - 815-433-0850

Plainfield - 815-577-1119

Joliet - 815-741-4000

Naperville - 630-961-5062

Sandwich - 815-786-1517

Yorkville - 630-553-8979

Location Phone Numbers:

Morris: 815-942-4875
Ottawa: 815-433-0850
Joliet: 815-741-4000
Sandwich: 815-786-1517
Yorkvile: 630-553-8979
Streator: 815-672-2842
Plainfield: 815-577-1119
Naperville: 630-961-5062